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169-1 DSA News

DSA in the News

compiled by Bob Roman

DSA member Jeffrey Durand was interviewed on Dan Yorke’s “State of Mind” program on FOX Providence. Seth Goldstein explained why he joined DSA at Raging Chicken Press.

Conservative post-election gloating featured DSA in a piece by Joshua Alvarez at The Swanee Purple.

A lefty post-election dismay piece by Alex Payne included DSA at Medium.

It’s difficult to profile Cornel West without at least mentioning DSA, and Connor Kilpatrick is no exception at Jacobin.

Fidel Castro, Ed Sullivan, Jack Paar and… DSA? in a piece by Jesse Walker at Reason.

The Washington Standard reposted a blog item that mixes Barack Obama, Frances Fox Piven, DSA, and professional anti-Communist Manning Johnson for a predictable stew, worth noting not so much for the venue but that the item has had multiple postings on right-wing blogs.

We Fight for Socialism Over Barbarism

A 11/13/2016 statement by DSA’s National Political Committee begins:

On November 8, voters in the United States narrowly elected an openly racist, misogynist and nativist candidate for president. Donald Trump succeeded in defining himself as an anti-establishment candidate who will end dynastic rule in Washington, D.C., by elites who care little for “forgotten Americans.” The grain of truth in this rhetoric masked an ideological appeal to a “white identity” that Republicans have long cultivated — in this instance, focusing on fear of immigrants, Muslims and people of color. The facts go against the liberal media’s narrative that “poor white people” were the primary force behind Trump’s rise. We must understand “Trumpism” as a cross-class white nativist alliance; the median family income of the 62 percent of white voters who supported Trump was higher than that of Hillary Clinton voters and wealthier than Bernie Sanders’ primary base.


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Chicago Democratic Socialists of America

The Chicago Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, 3411 W. Diversey, Suite 7, Chicago, IL 60647

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